Ready Steady Bang Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Ready Steady Bang below. This game is developed by Noodlecake Studios Inc. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP62500 points
RatingsNo Ratings


gold-bullet achievement icon
Gold Bullet 2500 XP
Achieve and average draw speed below 0.16 seconds in single player.
silver-bullet_1 achievement icon
Silver Bullet 2500 XP
Get your average draw speed below 0.2 seconds
bronze-bullet achievement icon
Bronze Bullet 2500 XP
Achieve an average draw speed of less than 0.25 seconds in 1 player
sheriff-badge achievement icon
Sheriff Badge 2500 XP
Gain five 3 star sheriff ranks in 1 player
snub-nosed-pistol achievement icon
Beat Arthur Rightus to get his snubby.
22-revolver achievement icon
.22 Revolver 2500 XP
Beat Sloe Jim to get a hold of his revolver
357-magnum achievement icon
.357 Magnum 2500 XP
Defeat Van Queef to get his side arm
44-magnum achievement icon
.44 Magnum 2500 XP
Gun down the Doc to lay hands on his Magnum
500-magnum achievement icon
.500 Magnum 2500 XP
Slay Aberdeen Bangus to get hold of this massive gun
droolin-s-whiskey achievement icon
Kill Bill to get a bottle of his finest
cowboy-gossip achievement icon
Cowboy Gossip 2500 XP
Kill Chaps to get your hands on his paper
hammer_11 achievement icon
Hammer 2500 XP
Gun down Thomas to get his hammer
cowboy-skull achievement icon
Cowboy Skull 2500 XP
Kill Texas to get his prized cowboy skull collection
mystery-prize achievement icon
Mystery Prize 10000 XP
Kill the mystery man to win this special prize
lucky-shot achievement icon
Lucky Shot 10000 XP
Kill the mystery man just once during a round against him
wanted achievement icon
Wanted 5000 XP
Kill 500 cowboys to achieve "Wanted" status
grave-stone achievement icon
Grave Stone 5000 XP
Die 500 times to get this lovely lump of rock
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