100 DAYS - Zombie Survival Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for 100 DAYS - Zombie Survival below. This game is developed by PREUS. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP100000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


knock-knock_3 achievement icon
Knock knock 5000 XP
Hire 3 teammates
watch-your-finger achievement icon
2000 taps
make-yourself-at-home_1 achievement icon
Kill 500 zombies
trusty-friends achievement icon
Trusty friends 5000 XP
Hire a Squad
still-a-beautiful-world achievement icon
Clear 10 Days
hunter_7 achievement icon
Hunter 10000 XP
Kill 5 Bosses
from-hell-to-hell achievement icon
Revive 5 teammates
ketchup-maker achievement icon
Ketchup maker 10000 XP
Use 2 Trucks
blind-date achievement icon
Blind date 10000 XP
Use a Nuke
gold-still-counts achievement icon
Possess 100,000,000 Gold
the-day-of-sunrise achievement icon
Clear the game
Rate The Game
How Heavy Was The Advertising?
Rate The Visuals
Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
